Do your work leaving zero traces of AI
All the tools for academic success, right at your fingertips. Boost your studies efficiently.
Bypass Turnitin, Bypass GPTZero, Bypass Originality AI. Start enhancing your writing adaptability.
Ability to understand and generate content in different languages
Humanizer is designed to help you turn AI written content to high-quality human-written texts instantly, without breaking a sweat. Providing 97% accuracy with GPTZero, TurnItIn, etc!
Compatible with GPTZero, TurnItIn, etc!
Powered by
Livvy Dunne
High school Student
Eric Sanchez
per month
Select Premium$100
per month
Select YearlySafe Payment: Use Stripe or Credit Card.
Here are answers to some frequently asked questions!
Yes, both features support multiple languages, making them adaptable for a wide range of linguistic needs.
Both tools are designed to be highly accurate, providing reliable identification and enhancement of AI-generated content with a 97% accuracy score!
The AI Detector identifies if content is AI-generated, while the AI Humanizer refines AI text to sound more human-like.
The AI YouTube Summarizer quickly condenses long YouTube videos into short, informative summaries, capturing key points and highlights for efficient content consumption.
AI Solutions provides instant, detailed answers to questions from documents uploaded by users, including books, PDFs, and so much more! After uploading your documents, ask questions relevant to the information uploaded and get instant answers!